Honesty Day
Honesty Day reminds us to pay attention to our words on April 30. The whole truth and nothing but the truth? You’re right. The world isn’t a “court,” and we’re not under oath in our daily lives. Sure, we’ve spared someone’s feelings or fudged the truth just a little — or yes, maybe told an all-out lie. Represent yourself to the world in the best possible way you can.
Author M. Hirsh Goldberg, author of “The Book of Lies: Fibs, Tales, Schemes, Scams, Fakes, and Frauds That Have Changed The Course of History and Affect Our Daily Lives,” created the day in the early 1990s. He placed it strategically on the final day of April to balance out April Fool’s Day (lies!) at the beginning of the month.
1.Answer questions truthfully all day long
Go on, try your best to keep truthful. It shouldn’t be that difficult if you’re a good soul.
2.Open up to someone truthfully
Been holding something back, aching to tell someone something important? Go for it today.
3.Be more transparent
If you’re a leader in the workplace, it’s a good time to be transparent by communicating less over email and becoming more personally engaged with your employees via face-to-face and/or video interaction and with greater frequency. This will not only build trust but more importantly set forth a precedent that will establish a new type of loyalty and attitude that will ripple throughout the organization.
A. Honesty builds trust
Honesty goes a long way. People get ahead by making the right choices and showing that they are trustworthy. This builds trust, which is essential for teamwork.
B. The worst truth is better than the best lie
Sometimes when we lie, it can start a snowball effect, and we ultimately are found out. Trust in the notion that the truth always finds a way to surface, so just own up.
C. We can’t read each other’s minds
Being honest doesn’t just mean telling the factual truth, but also being truthful about the way you’re feeling.
“Honesty Day” │ https://nationaltoday.com/national-honesty-day/